Page 15 - silent_secret
P. 15


                    It's  all  over
                    Everyone's  left
                    Each  his  own  way.

           A  forgetful  umbrella
           A  misspelt  pair  of  chappals
           Cake  boxes  minus  cakes  -··

                    The whole  floor's  an  ashtray -
                    Nothing's  there  in the end
                    Nothing  happens  ever -

           When  the sun retires  into the mountains
           The  dry  faded  flowers  of  December  trodden
           The ants in :the dregs  of the tea cup --

                    Everything's  empty  a:E'cer  a  party
                    To  fill  the emptiness

           You've  to  rearrange  things
           Fold  up  the  chairs,  shake the table  cfoth
           Count  the  cups  -

                    Treading  on  somebody's  dead  wristwa;tch
                    Webting  your  lips  with  leftover  tea
                    Dropping  a  tear  or  two

           You've  t:o  rearrange things
           To fill  up  the emptiness in every corner.
           Eow heartless the guests !

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