Page 24 - silent_secret
P. 24
Perched high on paddy bags
We creak along on a bridge on bullock cart
The animals and the wheels set up a din
Pushing night in_ front (?f us.
Enthused by the cocorico
Slapping our bodies against: ~umping chill
Meeting people at their ablutions -
The leUst bullocl;c's well-vi;:rsed in
Sceptical epicurean touch-me-not-ism :
He doesn't like inconvenient burdens -
The right reaction's all entl~~siasm
And energy and trots along -
East and West, Progress
Revolution, Purpose and Pragmatism -
The paddy sacks watch on steadily, unemotionally
The wheels groan on
Lllst night's wet breez!:) sticks the dust on them
It's Time's pollen
Pounded relentlessly on -
Turning and churning, wheeling and rolling; wheels
Send me reeling on an empty stomach
The left and right-creak and run, you my chums •••
hai ho ho.